import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
class FeatureComparator implements Comparator<MTKBase_Feature>
public int compare(MTKBase_Feature theA, MTKBase_Feature theB)
MTKBase_FeatureComparator aComparator = new MTKBase_FeatureComparator();
boolean anALessThanB = aComparator.Apply(theA, theB);
if (anALessThanB)
return -1;
boolean aBLessThanA = aComparator.Apply(theB, theA);
if (aBLessThanA)
return 1;
return 0;
class Pair
public Pair(double theFirst, double theSecond)
this.First = theFirst;
this.Second = theSecond;
public String toString()
return String.format("%f x %f", First, Second);
public double First;
public double Second;
class Dimension
public Dimension(double theL, double theW, double theD)
this.L = theL;
this.W = theW;
this.D = theD;
public String toString()
return String.format("%f x %f x %f", L, W, D);
public double L;
public double W;
public double D;
class Direction
public Direction(double theX, double theY, double theZ)
this.X = theX;
this.Y = theY;
this.Z = theZ;
public String toString()
return "(" + FormattedString(X) + ", " + FormattedString(Y) + ", " + FormattedString(Z) + ")";
private String FormattedString(double theValue)
DecimalFormat aDF = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
return aDF.format(theValue);
public double X;
public double Y;
public double Z;
class FeatureMap extends TreeMap<MTKBase_Feature, Long>
public FeatureMap()
super (new FeatureComparator());
class FeatureGroupManager
public FeatureGroupManager()
myGroups = new ArrayList<FeatureGroup>();
public void AddFeature(String theGroupName, String theSubgroupName, boolean theHasParameters, MTKBase_Feature theFeature)
int aRes = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < myGroups.size(); ++i)
FeatureGroup aGroup = myGroups.get(i);
if (aGroup.myName == theGroupName)
aRes = i;
if (aRes == -1)
myGroups.add(new FeatureGroup(theGroupName, theSubgroupName, theHasParameters));
aRes = myGroups.size() - 1;
FeatureGroup aGroup = myGroups.get(aRes);
FeatureMap aSubgroups = aGroup.myFeatureSubgroups;
if (aSubgroups.containsKey(theFeature))
aSubgroups.put(theFeature, aSubgroups.get (theFeature) + 1);
aSubgroups.put(theFeature, 1L);
public void Print(String theFeatureType, Consumer<MTKBase_Feature> thePrintFeatureParameters)
Collections.sort(myGroups, new FeatureGroupComparator());
long aTotalCount = 0;
for (FeatureGroup aGroup : myGroups)
long aFeatureCount = aGroup.FeatureCount();
aTotalCount += aFeatureCount;
System.out.format(" %s: %d\n", aGroup.myName, aFeatureCount);
if (!aGroup.myHasParameters)
String aSubgroupName = aGroup.mySubgroupName;
for (Map.Entry<MTKBase_Feature, Long> aFeatureSubgroup : aGroup.myFeatureSubgroups.entrySet())
System.out.format(" %d %s with\n", aFeatureSubgroup.getValue(), aSubgroupName);
System.out.format("\n Total %s: %d\n", theFeatureType, aTotalCount);
public static <T> void PrintFeatureParameter(String theName, T theValue, String theUnits)
System.out.format(" %s: %s %s\n", theName, theValue, theUnits);
private class FeatureGroup
public FeatureGroup(String theName, String theSubgroupName, boolean theHasParameters)
myName = theName;
mySubgroupName = theSubgroupName;
myHasParameters = theHasParameters;
myFeatureSubgroups = new FeatureMap();
public long FeatureCount()
long aCount = 0;
for (Map.Entry<MTKBase_Feature, Long> aFeatureSubgroup : myFeatureSubgroups.entrySet())
aCount += aFeatureSubgroup.getValue();
return aCount;
public String myName;
public String mySubgroupName;
public boolean myHasParameters;
public FeatureMap myFeatureSubgroups;
private class FeatureGroupComparator implements Comparator<FeatureGroup>
public int compare(FeatureGroup theA, FeatureGroup theB)
String anAName = theA.myName;
String aBName = theB.myName;
if (anAName == aBName)
return 0;
FeatureMap anAFeatureSubgroups = theA.myFeatureSubgroups;
FeatureMap aBFeatureSubgroups = theB.myFeatureSubgroups;
if (anAFeatureSubgroups.isEmpty() || aBFeatureSubgroups.isEmpty())
return anAName.compareTo(aBName);
MTKBase_Feature anAFeature = anAFeatureSubgroups.firstKey();
MTKBase_Feature aBFeature = aBFeatureSubgroups.firstKey();
FeatureComparator aFeatureComparator = new FeatureComparator();
return, aBFeature);
private ArrayList<FeatureGroup> myGroups;
Defines classes, namespaces, enums, types, and global functions related to Manufacturing Toolkit.
Definition LicenseManager_LicenseError.hxx:30