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Building C# Examples

C# examples are located in the subfolder examples/csharp.

Save the license key file you received for your evaluation program as ${install_dir}/examples/csharp/mtk_license.cs. When you become a customer you will substitute it with a commercial license key.

Building with Microsoft Visual Studio

There are two ways to configure C# examples:

  1. Visual Studio project files.
    • Open a selected example's project file (*.csproj).
    • By default, the example project files are configured to target 64-bit platforms and to use 64-bit assemblies located in csharp/win64 directory. If you need to enforce using 32-bit configuration then update assembly references (e.g. CadExCoreNet, CadExParaNet, etc) by browsing the subdirectory corresponding to 32-bit configuration (csharp/win32 directory) and add a respective directory with 32-bit native C++ libraries (e.g. win32/vc14/bin).
    • Build and run the example.
  2. Cmake-based. Generation of C# projects is exactly the same as generation of C++ projects for Visual Studio (see Building with Microsoft Visual Studio on Windows).
    Cmake 3.13.0 or higher is required to generate C# projects for Visual Studio.