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Building Python Examples

In order to use examples, install the Manufacturing Toolkit Python package using the command below. The private repository URL can be found in the "Welcome to evaluation" email or on the license page in Customer Corner.

$ pip install manufacturingtoolkit -i <repo-link-from-email>

Check out the repository with examples using git. Save the license key file you received for your evaluation to the root of the repository.

From here on out Python examples are completely ready to run with one of the supported Python versions (3.7-3.11 on Windows and Linux). The example file can be called using the helper run.py file or by passing the required arguments using the command line:

# using sample models
$ python mtk/sheet_metal/unfolder/run.py
# user-provided models
$ python mtk/sheet_metal/unfolder/unfolder.py <input-model> <output_folder>