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cadex::ModelData::IndexedTriangleSet Class Reference

Defines a polygonal shape consisting of triangles. More...

#include <cadex/ModelData/IndexedTriangleSet.hxx>

Inherits cadex::ModelData::PolyShape.

Public Types

typedef Geom::Point VertexType
typedef Geom::Vector NormalType
typedef std::vector< VertexTypeVertexVecType
typedef std::vector< NormalTypeNormalVecType
typedef std::vector< int > IndexVecType

Public Member Functions

 IndexedTriangleSet ()
bool AddTriangles (const VertexVecType &theVertices, const IndexVecType &theVertexIndices)
 Adds triangles.
bool AddTriangles (const VertexVecType &theVertices, const IndexVecType &theVertexIndices, const NormalVecType &theNormals, const IndexVecType &theNormalIndices)
 Adds triangles.
bool AddTriangles (const IndexedTriangleSet &theTriangleSet)
 Adds triangles from theTriangleSet.
const VertexTypeVertex (int theIndex) const
 Returns a vertex.
size_t NumberOfVertices () const
 Returns a number of vertices.
bool HasNormals () const
 Returns true if the triangle set has explicitly defined normals.
const NormalTypeNormal (int theIndex) const
 Returns a normal.
size_t NumberOfNormals () const
 Returns a number of normals.
const VertexTypeTriangleVertex (size_t theTriangleIndex, size_t theVertexSlot) const
 Returns a vertex of a triangle.
int TriangleVertexIndex (size_t theTriangleIndex, size_t theVertexSlot) const
 Returns a vertex index in a triangle.
const NormalTypeTriangleVertexNormal (size_t theTriangleIndex, size_t theVertexSlot) const
 Returns a normal at vertex in a triangle.
int TriangleVertexNormalIndex (size_t theTriangleIndex, size_t theVertexSlot) const
 Returns a normal index for vertex in a triangle.
NormalType TriangleNormal (size_t theTriangleIndex) const
 Returns a normal of a triangle.
size_t NumberOfTriangles () const
 Returns a number of triangles.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool CompareType (const BaseObject &theObject)

Detailed Description

Defines a polygonal shape consisting of triangles.

Triangles are defined via array of unique vertices and triplets of indices in this array. This is to describe connectivity and to reduce data required to describe a triangle set.

The triangle set can optionally contain normals which are defined per each vertex. Normals also use indexing in the same manner as vertices.

A triangle set can be constructed using AddTriangles(), supplying unique vertices and indices describing triangles, for instance:

IndexedTriangleSet::VertexVecType aVertices = {
{ 0., 0., 0. },
{ 1., 0., 0. },
{ 1., 1., 0. },
{ 0., 1., 1. }
//triangles (vertex indices)
IndexedTriangleSet::IndexVecType aVertexIndices = {
0, 1, 2,
0, 2, 3
IndexedTriangleSet::NormalVecType aNormals = {
{ 0., 0., 1. }, //to triangle #0: {0, 1, 2}
{ 1., -1., 1. }, //to triangle #1: {0, 2, 3}
//normal indices
IndexedTriangleSet::IndexVecType aNormalIndices = {
0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 1
ModelData::IndexedTriangleSet aTriangleSet;
aTriangleSet.AddTriangles (aVertices, aVertexIndices, aNormals, aNormalIndices);

The user must ensure data consistency so that the number of normals is equal to number of added vertices. Otherwise, triangles won't be added.

Data can be queried using the rank number of triangle and a vertex slot (0 to 2), for instance:

size_t n = aTriangleSet.NumberOfTriangles();
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
cout << "Triangle " << i << ":" << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
const auto& aV = aTS.TriangleVertex (i, j);
const auto& aN = aTS.TriangleVertexNormal (i, j);

Coordinate and normal indices into respective arrays of unique values can be queried using TriangleVertexIndex() and TriangleVertexNormalIndex() respectively.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IndexedTriangleSet()

cadex::ModelData::IndexedTriangleSet::IndexedTriangleSet ( )


Creates not initialized object, for which IsNull() returns true.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddTriangles() [1/2]

bool cadex::ModelData::IndexedTriangleSet::AddTriangles ( const VertexVecType & theVertices,
const IndexVecType & theVertexIndices )

Adds triangles.

The number of values ​​in theVertexIndices must be a multiple of three, since each triplet defines a triangle.

Returns true if the triangles were successfully added and false otherwise.

◆ AddTriangles() [2/2]

bool cadex::ModelData::IndexedTriangleSet::AddTriangles ( const VertexVecType & theVertices,
const IndexVecType & theVertexIndices,
const NormalVecType & theNormals,
const IndexVecType & theNormalIndices )

Adds triangles.

The number of values ​​in theVertexIndices and theNormalIndices must be the same and a multiple of three, since each triple defines a vertex and vertex normal of a triangle, respectively.

Returns true if the triangles were successfully added and false otherwise.

◆ HasNormals()

bool cadex::ModelData::IndexedTriangleSet::HasNormals ( ) const

Returns true if the triangle set has explicitly defined normals.

See also

◆ Normal()

const IndexedTriangleSet::NormalType & cadex::ModelData::IndexedTriangleSet::Normal ( int theIndex) const

Returns a normal.

theIndex must be in the range [0, NumberOfNormals()-1]. Otherwise the result is undefined.

◆ TriangleNormal()

IndexedTriangleSet::NormalType cadex::ModelData::IndexedTriangleSet::TriangleNormal ( size_t theTriangleIndex) const

Returns a normal of a triangle.

theTriangleIndex must be in the range [0, NumberOfTriangles()-1]. Otherwise the result is undefined.

The normal is calculated on the fly based on the vertices of the triangle.

In case of a degenerate triangle the zero vector will be returned.

◆ TriangleVertex()

const IndexedTriangleSet::VertexType & cadex::ModelData::IndexedTriangleSet::TriangleVertex ( size_t theTriangleIndex,
size_t theVertexSlot ) const

Returns a vertex of a triangle.

theTriangleIndex must be in the range [0, NumberOfTriangles()-1]. Otherwise the result is undefined. theVertexSlot must be in the range [0, 2]. Otherwise the result is undefined.

See also

◆ TriangleVertexIndex()

int cadex::ModelData::IndexedTriangleSet::TriangleVertexIndex ( size_t theTriangleIndex,
size_t theVertexSlot ) const

Returns a vertex index in a triangle.

theTriangleIndex must be in the range [0, NumberOfTriangles()-1]. theVertexSlot must be in the range [0, 2].

If the vertex index was not found -1 will be returned.

See also

◆ TriangleVertexNormal()

const IndexedTriangleSet::NormalType & cadex::ModelData::IndexedTriangleSet::TriangleVertexNormal ( size_t theTriangleIndex,
size_t theVertexSlot ) const

Returns a normal at vertex in a triangle.

theTriangleIndex must be in the range [0, NumberOfTriangles()-1]. Otherwise the result is undefined. theVertexSlot must be in the range [0, 2]. Otherwise the result is undefined.

See also

◆ TriangleVertexNormalIndex()

int cadex::ModelData::IndexedTriangleSet::TriangleVertexNormalIndex ( size_t theTriangleIndex,
size_t theVertexSlot ) const

Returns a normal index for vertex in a triangle.

theTriangleIndex must be in the range [0, NumberOfTriangles()-1]. theVertexSlot must be in the range [0, 2].

If the normal index was not found -1 will be returned.

See also

◆ Vertex()

const IndexedTriangleSet::VertexType & cadex::ModelData::IndexedTriangleSet::Vertex ( int theIndex) const

Returns a vertex.

theIndex must be in the range [0, NumberOfVertices()-1]. Otherwise the result is undefined.