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Sheet Metal Features
Type Description Example of visual representation
SheetMetal_Bend A bend is a V-shape or U-shape feature obtained by bending (aka press braking, flanging, die bending, folding and edging) a metal sheet along a straight axis.
SheetMetal_CurvedBend A curved bend is a type of bend in which bending is performed in 2 directions.
SheetMetal_HemBend A hem bend is an edge of sheet metal that is bent 180 degrees and flattened on top of itself.
SheetMetal_CompoundBend A compound bend is a bend that consists of several bends.
SheetMetal_Bead Beads are elongated recesses which are stamped into the sheet metal parts to increase the stiffness. They can be produced with punching machine.
SheetMetal_Bridge A bridge is a feature created when a strap of material is cut and formed up from the sheet, having the appearance of a bridge across an opening. Bridges can be used for shear stops, locators, card guides, ventilation and wire tie downs.
SheetMetal_Louver A louver is a formed ventilation hole in a part that provides proper air flow and helps maintain a degree of protection against unwanted debris. Louvers are made using a punch press incorporating a top and bottom die.
SheetMetal_Hole A hole is a circular feature created by a rotating cutting tool or punch press. Holes in sheet metal part are always through holes.
SheetMetal_ComplexHole Complex hole is an extruded hole produced by piercing operation (combination of cutting and forming operations).
SheetMetal_Cutout A cutout is a freeform cut in metal sheet that cannot be classified in any other categories.
SheetMetal_Tab Tabs are small amounts of metal that connect pieces to parent sheet metal and make handling and inventorying easier. A tab on an interior part simply slides into a notch on a chassis or box. This can help more precisely locate the part before riveting or welding.
SheetMetal_Notch Notches are the inward cut from the edge of sheet metal with a measured angle suitable for a particular application. Notching is done either with a simple cutting or punching process.
SheetMetal_StraightNotch Straight notch is a rectangular cut (with straight or rounded corners) from the edge of the sheet.
SheetMetal_VNotch V-notch is the V-shape cut from the edge of the sheet.