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cadex::DFMMachining_Analyzer Class Reference

Provides an interface to run DFM Machining analysis. More...

Public Types

typedef cadex::internal::DFMMachiningImpl_Analyzer ImplType

Public Member Functions

 DFMMachining_Analyzer (const DFMMachining_BaseAnalyzerParameters &theParameters)
MTKBase_FeatureList Perform (const ModelData::Solid &theSolid, const cadex::ProgressStatus &theProgressStatus=cadex::ProgressStatus())
 Runs analyzing process.
MTKBase_FeatureList Perform (const ModelData::Solid &theSolid, const Machining_Data &theData, const cadex::ProgressStatus &theProgressStatus=cadex::ProgressStatus())
const DFMMachining_BaseAnalyzerParametersParameters () const
 Returns parameters.
DFMMachining_BaseAnalyzerParametersParameters ()
 Returns reference to parameters.
ImplType * Impl () const
template<typename T >
T * Impl () const
 Reserved for internal use.

Detailed Description

Provides an interface to run DFM Machining analysis.

The type of dfm analysis that will be performed depends on parameters type that was given to constructor:

DFMMachining_Milling Performs analysis of milling design issue. Milling refers to the machining process of quickly subtracting material from raw stock until the desired shape is achieved. Common issues for this analysis will be issues inherited from DFMMachining_MillingIssue class.
DFMMachining_Drilling Performs analysis of drilling design issue. Drilling refers to the operation of creating holes in a piece of material. Common issues for this analysis will be issues inherited from DFMMachining_DrillingIssue class.
DFMMachining_Turning Performs analysis of turning design issue. Turning is a manufacturing process in which bars of material are held in a chuck and rotated while a tool is fed to the piece to remove material to create the desired shape. Common issues for this analysis will be issues such as DFMMachining_LongSlenderTurnedPartIssue, DFMMachining_IrregularTurnedPartOuterDiameterProfileReliefIssue, etc.

Example of analysis results could be found on the CNC Machining Design for Manufacturing (DFM) page.

MTKConverter/Program.cs, MTKConverter/main.cxx, machining/dfm_analyzer/Program.cs, and machining/dfm_analyzer/main.cxx.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DFMMachining_Analyzer()

cadex::DFMMachining_Analyzer::DFMMachining_Analyzer ( const DFMMachining_BaseAnalyzerParameters & theParameters)


Creates a specified dfm machining analyzer (drilling / milling / turning) depends on parameters type.

See also


     LicenseManager_LicenseError if no DFM Machining license was activated.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Perform()

MTKBase_FeatureList cadex::DFMMachining_Analyzer::Perform ( const ModelData::Solid & theSolid,
const Machining_Data & theData,
const cadex::ProgressStatus & theProgressStatus = cadex::ProgressStatus() )

Runs analyzing process with specified machining data. Data can be obtained by using feature recognition tools, such as Machining_Analyzer, Machining_FeatureRecognition. If an empty machining data (Machining_Data.IsEmpty()) is sent, design analysis won't be performed, and an empty issue list will be received.

See also