using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace feature_group
class FeatureComparer : IComparer<MTKBase_Feature>
bool anALessThanB = aComparator.Apply(theA, theB);
if (anALessThanB)
return -1;
bool aBLessThanA = aComparator.Apply(theB, theA);
if (aBLessThanA)
return 1;
return 0;
public struct Pair
public Pair(double theFirst, double theSecond)
First = theFirst;
Second = theSecond;
public double First { get; }
public double Second { get; }
public override string ToString() => $"{First} x {Second}";
public struct Dimension
public Dimension(double theL, double theW, double theD)
L = theL;
W = theW;
D = theD;
public double L { get; }
public double W { get; }
public double D { get; }
public override string ToString() => $"{L} x {W} x {D}";
public struct Direction
public Direction(double theX, double theY, double theZ)
X = theX;
Y = theY;
Z = theZ;
public double X { get; }
public double Y { get; }
public double Z { get; }
public override string ToString() => $"({FormattedString(X)}, {FormattedString(Y)}, {FormattedString(Z)})";
private string FormattedString(double theValue)
System.Globalization.CultureInfo aCI = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
return string.Format(aCI, "{0:0.00}", theValue);
class FeatureGroupManager
public FeatureGroupManager()
myGroups = new List<FeatureGroup>();
private class FeatureGroup
public FeatureGroup(string theName, string theSubgroupName, bool theHasParameters)
myName = theName;
mySubgroupName = theSubgroupName;
myHasParameters = theHasParameters;
myFeatureSubgroups = new FeatureMapType(new FeatureComparer());
public uint FeatureCount()
uint aCount = 0;
foreach (var i in myFeatureSubgroups)
aCount += i.Value;
return aCount;
public string myName;
public string mySubgroupName;
public bool myHasParameters;
public FeatureMapType myFeatureSubgroups;
private class FeatureGroupComparer : IComparer<FeatureGroup>
public int Compare(FeatureGroup theA, FeatureGroup theB)
string anAName = theA.myName;
string aBName = theB.myName;
if (anAName == aBName)
return 0;
FeatureMapType anAFeatureSubgroups = theA.myFeatureSubgroups;
FeatureMapType aBFeatureSubgroups = theB.myFeatureSubgroups;
if (anAFeatureSubgroups.Count == 0 || aBFeatureSubgroups.Count == 0)
return anAName.CompareTo(aBName);
foreach (var i in anAFeatureSubgroups)
anAFeature = i.Key;
foreach (var i in aBFeatureSubgroups)
aBFeature = i.Key;
FeatureComparer aFeatureComparator = new FeatureComparer();
return aFeatureComparator.Compare(anAFeature, aBFeature);
private List<FeatureGroup> myGroups;
public void AddFeature(
string theGroupName,
string theSubgroupName,
bool theHasParameters,
MTKBase_Feature theFeature)
int aRes = myGroups.FindIndex(theGroup => theGroup.myName == theGroupName);
if (aRes == -1)
myGroups.Add(new FeatureGroup(theGroupName, theSubgroupName, theHasParameters));
aRes = myGroups.Count - 1;
FeatureGroup aGroup = myGroups[aRes];
FeatureMapType aSubgroups = aGroup.myFeatureSubgroups;
if (aSubgroups.ContainsKey(theFeature))
aSubgroups[theFeature] = 1;
public void Print(string theFeatureType, Action<MTKBase_Feature> thePrintFeatureParameters)
myGroups.Sort(new FeatureGroupComparer());
uint aTotalCount = 0;
foreach (var i in myGroups)
uint aFeatureCount = i.FeatureCount();
aTotalCount += aFeatureCount;
Console.WriteLine($" {i.myName}: {aFeatureCount}");
if (!i.myHasParameters)
string aSubgroupName = i.mySubgroupName;
foreach (var j in i.myFeatureSubgroups)
Console.WriteLine($" {j.Value} {aSubgroupName} with");
Console.WriteLine($"\n Total {theFeatureType}: {aTotalCount}\n");
public static void PrintFeatureParameter<T>(string theName, T theValue, string theUnits)
Console.WriteLine($" {theName}: {theValue} {theUnits}");
Provides possibility to compare MTK based features depending on their type and parameters.
Definition MTKBase_FeatureComparator.hxx:29
Describes a base class of MTK based features.
Definition MTKBase_Feature.hxx:33
Defines classes, namespaces, enums, types, and global functions related to Manufacturing Toolkit.
Definition LicenseManager_LicenseError.hxx:30
using System;
namespace shape_processor
public override void Apply(
Part thePart)
var aBodyVec = thePart.
if (aBodyVec.Count != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < aBodyVec.Count; ++i)
Body aBody = aBodyVec[i];
while (aShapeIt.HasNext())
var aShape = aShapeIt.Next();
Console.Write($"Part #{myPartIndex} [\"{aPartName}\"] - solid #{i} has:\n");
Console.Write($"Part #{myPartIndex} [\"{aPartName}\"] - shell #{i} has:\n");
public abstract void ProcessSolid(
Solid theSolid);
public abstract void ProcessShell(
Shell theShell);
private uint myPartIndex = 0;
public override void Apply(
Part thePart)
var aBodyVec = thePart.Bodies();
if (aBodyVec.Count != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < aBodyVec.Count; ++i)
Body aBody = aBodyVec[i];
while (aShapeIt.HasNext())
var aShape = aShapeIt.Next();
Console.Write ($"Part #{myPartIndex} [\"{aPartName}\"] - solid #{i} has:\n");
public abstract void ProcessSolid(
Solid theSolid);
private uint myPartIndex = 0;
UTF16String Name() const
Returns a name.
Definition ModelElement.cxx:55
Element visitor with empty implementation.
Definition ModelElementVisitor.hxx:64
Defines a leaf node in the scene graph hiearchy.
Definition Part.hxx:34
Iterates over subshapes in a shape.
Definition ShapeIterator.hxx:32
Defines a connected set of faces.
Definition Shell.hxx:32
Defines a topological solid.
Definition Solid.hxx:32
Defines a Unicode (UTF-16) string wrapping a standard string.
Definition UTF16String.hxx:30
bool IsEmpty() const
Returns true if the string is empty.
Definition UTF16String.cxx:337
Defines classes, types, enums, and functions related to topological entities and scene graph elements...
Defines shape type.
Definition ShapeType.hxx:27
using feature_group;
using shape_processor;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace feature_recognizer
class Program
static int Main(string[] args)
string aKey = MTKLicenseKey.Value();
if (!LicenseManager.Activate(aKey))
Console.WriteLine("Failed to activate Manufacturing Toolkit license.");
return 1;
if (args.Length != 1)
Console.WriteLine("Usage: " +
$"{System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location} <input_file>, where:");
Console.WriteLine($" <input_file> is a name of the file to be read");
return 1;
string aSource = args[0];
var aModel =
new Model();
Console.WriteLine($"Failed to read the file {aSource}");
return 1;
Console.WriteLine($"Model: {aModel.Name()}\n");
var aPartProcessor = new PartProcessor();
aModel.Accept (aVisitor);
return 0;
class PartProcessor : SolidProcessor
public PartProcessor ()
public override void ProcessSolid (
Solid theSolid)
var aRecognizerParameters = new Molding_FeatureRecognizerParameters();
var aFeatureList = aRecognizer.Perform (theSolid);
PrintFeatures (aFeatureList);
FeatureGroupManager aManager = new FeatureGroupManager();
for (uint i = 0; i < theFeatureList.
Size(); i++)
aManager.AddFeature("Screw Boss(es)", "Screw Boss(es)", true, aScrewBoss);
aManager.AddFeature("Boss(es)", "Boss(es)", true, aBoss);
aManager.AddFeature("Rib(s)", "Rib(s)", true, aRib);
Action<MTKBase_Feature> PrintFeatureParameters = theFeature =>
"outer radius", aScrewBoss.
"inner radius", aScrewBoss.
"draft angle", ToDegrees (aScrewBoss.
"length", aBoss.
"height", aBoss.
"width", aBoss.
"length", aRib.
"height", aRib.
"thickness", aRib.
"draft angle", ToDegrees (aRib.
aManager.Print("features", PrintFeatureParameters);
static double ToDegrees(double theAngleRad)
return theAngleRad * 180 / Math.PI;
Describes a boss. In CNC Machining a boss is a protrusion or raised area on a workpiece that is creat...
Definition MTKBase_Boss.hxx:31
double Length() const
Definition MTKBase_Boss.cxx:94
static bool CompareType(const MTKBase_Feature &theFeature)
Returnstrue if theFeature is a Boss.
Definition MTKBase_Boss.cxx:131
double Width() const
Definition MTKBase_Boss.cxx:74
double Height() const
Definition MTKBase_Boss.cxx:114
Defines a list of features.
Definition MTKBase_FeatureList.hxx:36
size_t Size() const
Returns the number of elements in the list.
Definition MTKBase_FeatureList.cxx:88
const MTKBase_Feature & Feature(size_t theIndex) const
Access specified element.
Definition MTKBase_FeatureList.cxx:69
Defines a visitor that visits each unique element only once.
Definition ModelElementVisitor.hxx:87
Provides MTK data model.
Definition Model.hxx:40
Reads STEP and native format.
Definition ModelReader.hxx:29
Provides an interface to recognizing molding features.
Definition Molding_FeatureRecognizer.hxx:37
Describes a rib.
Definition Molding_Rib.hxx:29
double Thickness() const
Definition Molding_Rib.cxx:83
double Height() const
Definition Molding_Rib.cxx:123
double DraftAngle() const
Definition Molding_Rib.cxx:143
static bool CompareType(const MTKBase_Feature &theFeature)
Returns true if theFeature is a Rib.
Definition Molding_Rib.cxx:160
double Length() const
Definition Molding_Rib.cxx:103
Describes a screw boss. In injection molding, the Screw Boss is essentially a cylindrical protrusion ...
Definition Molding_ScrewBoss.hxx:29
double InnerRadius() const
Definition Molding_ScrewBoss.cxx:123
double DraftAngle() const
Definition Molding_ScrewBoss.cxx:143
static bool CompareType(const MTKBase_Feature &theFeature)
Returns true if theFeature is a molding Screw Boss.
Definition Molding_ScrewBoss.cxx:189
double OuterRadius() const
Definition Molding_ScrewBoss.cxx:103