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CNC Machining Feature Recognizer Example

Demonstrates how to perform recognition of machining features on a 3D model and print information about found features and their parameters in a console.


In this example demonstrates how to perform recognition of machining features on a 3D model using machining feature recognition tool (Machining_FeatureRecognizer). For this purpose, used a console application that imports a model, traverses through unique ModelData::Part , creates and runs Machining_FeatureRecognizer, groups and prints information about found features and their parameters into console. Machining feature recognition will be performed for each unique ModelData::Part , but only for the scope of accepted geometries.

Application needs 2 input arguments to run:

Usage: machining_feature_recognizer <input_file> <operation>, where:
<input_file> is a name of the file to be read
<operation> is a name of desired machining operation
Supported operations:
milling: CNC Machining Milling feature recognition
turning: CNC Machining Lathe+Milling feature recognition

For more information about feature recognition visit Overview page.


PartProcessor class is inherited from SolidProcessor and overrides ProcessSolid method that are used to run Machining_FeatureRecognizer on given shape. The Machining_FeatureRecognizerParameters.SetOperation() method of the tool parameters is used to set the type of operation (Milling or LatheMilling). The operation type will be taking into account during recognition process and the recognition result will be different depending on it. Then PrintFeatures method is used to print information about found features and their parameters in a console.
Visit Model Explore Helper Implementation page for more information about base SolidProcessor class implementation.

class PartProcessor : public SolidProcessor
PartProcessor (Machining_OperationType theOperation) : myOperation (theOperation)
void ProcessSolid (const ModelData::Solid& theSolid) override
Machining_FeatureRecognizer aRecognizer;
aRecognizer.Parameters().SetOperation (myOperation);
auto aFeatureList = aRecognizer.Perform (theSolid);
PrintFeatures (aFeatureList);
Machining_OperationType myOperation = Machining_OT_Undefined;

To traverse only unique parts of the imported model, the ModelData::ModelElementUniqueVisitor class is used.

PartProcessor aPartProcessor;
ModelData::ModelElementUniqueVisitor aVisitor (aPartProcessor);
aModel.Accept (aVisitor);

After performing feature recognition, the object of FeatureGroupManager class is used to group and sort found machining features. For this purpose, there is a traverse through all found features and add each of them to FeatureGroupManager with a specified name.

for (size_t i = 0; i < theFeatureList.Size(); i++) {
const auto& aFeature = theFeatureList[i];
if (aFeature.IsOfType<Machining_TurningFace>()) {
const auto& aTurningFace = static_cast<const Machining_TurningFace&> (aFeature);
aManager.AddFeature (FaceTypeToString (aTurningFace.Type()), "Turning Face(s)", true, aFeature);
} else if (aFeature.IsOfType<Machining_Face>()) {
const auto& aFace = static_cast<const Machining_Face&> (aFeature);
aManager.AddFeature (FaceTypeToString (aFace.Type()), "", false, aFeature);
} else if (aFeature.IsOfType<Machining_Countersink>()) {
aManager.AddFeature ("Countersink(s)", "Countersink(s)", true, aFeature);
} else if (aFeature.IsOfType<Machining_Hole>()) {
const auto& aHole = static_cast<const Machining_Hole&> (aFeature);
aManager.AddFeature (HoleTypeToString (aHole.Type()), "Hole(s)", true, aFeature);
} else if (aFeature.IsOfType<Machining_Pocket>()) {
aManager.AddFeature ("Pocket(s)", "Pocket(s)", true, aFeature);
} else if (aFeature.IsOfType<MTKBase_Boss>()) {
aManager.AddFeature ("Boss(es)", "Boss(s)", true, aFeature);

After adding all found features to FeatureGroupManager, a Print method of the manager is used to print information about found features and their parameters in a console. PrintFeatureParameters is created to explore and print feature parameters. It uses as an input parameter of Print method.

auto PrintFeatureParameters = [] (const MTKBase_Feature& theFeature)
if (theFeature.IsOfType<Machining_TurningFace>()) {
const auto& aTurningFace = static_cast<const Machining_TurningFace&> (theFeature);
FeatureGroupManager::PrintFeatureParameter ("radius", aTurningFace.Radius(), "mm");
} else if (theFeature.IsOfType<Machining_Face>()) {
//no parameters
} else if (theFeature.IsOfType<Machining_Countersink>()) {
const auto& aCountersink = static_cast<const Machining_Countersink&> (theFeature);
FeatureGroupManager::PrintFeatureParameter ("radius", aCountersink.Radius(), "mm");
FeatureGroupManager::PrintFeatureParameter ("depth", aCountersink.Depth(), "mm");
FeatureGroupManager::PrintFeatureParameter ("axis", aCountersink.Axis().Axis(), "");
} else if (theFeature.IsOfType<Machining_Hole>()) {
const auto& aHole = static_cast<const Machining_Hole&> (theFeature);
FeatureGroupManager::PrintFeatureParameter ("radius", aHole.Radius(), "mm");
FeatureGroupManager::PrintFeatureParameter ("depth", aHole.Depth(), "mm");
FeatureGroupManager::PrintFeatureParameter ("axis", aHole.Axis().Axis(), "");
} else if (theFeature.IsOfType<Machining_Pocket>()) {
const auto& aPocket = static_cast<const Machining_Pocket&> (theFeature);
FeatureGroupManager::PrintFeatureParameter ("length", aPocket.Length(), "mm");
FeatureGroupManager::PrintFeatureParameter ("width", aPocket.Width(), "mm");
FeatureGroupManager::PrintFeatureParameter ("depth", aPocket.Depth(), "mm");
FeatureGroupManager::PrintFeatureParameter ("axis", aPocket.Axis().Direction(), "");
} else if (theFeature.IsOfType<MTKBase_Boss>()) {
const auto& aBoss = static_cast<const MTKBase_Boss&> (theFeature);
FeatureGroupManager::PrintFeatureParameter ("length", aBoss.Length(), "mm");
FeatureGroupManager::PrintFeatureParameter ("width", aBoss.Width(), "mm");
FeatureGroupManager::PrintFeatureParameter ("height", aBoss.Height(), "mm");
aManager.Print ("features", PrintFeatureParameters);

Visit Feature Group Helper Implementation page for more information about FeatureGroupManager class implementation.

Example output

Below is the example output for model from ./examples/models/Fresamento_CAM1_v3.stp and operation set to Milling.

The model Example output
Model: Fresamento_CAM1_v3.stp

Part #0 ["Fresamento_CAM1"] - solid #0 has:
    Concave Fillet Edge Milling Face(s): 14
        14 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 5 mm
    Convex Profile Edge Milling Face(s): 7
        4 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 10 mm
        3 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 15 mm
    Curved Milled Face(s): 5
    Flat Face Milled Face(s): 3
    Flat Side Milled Face(s): 3
    Countersink(s): 4
        4 Countersink(s) with
          radius: 7.5 mm
          depth: 4.57781 mm
          axis: (0.00, 1.00, 0.00)
    Through Hole(s): 1
        1 Hole(s) with
          radius: 12.5 mm
          depth: 25 mm
          axis: (0.00, -1.00, 0.00)
    Flat Bottom Hole(s): 3
        3 Hole(s) with
          radius: 7.5 mm
          depth: 8 mm
          axis: (0.00, -1.00, 0.00)
    Blind Hole(s): 7
        4 Hole(s) with
          radius: 4.263 mm
          depth: 31.3245 mm
          axis: (0.00, -1.00, 0.00)
        3 Hole(s) with
          radius: 5 mm
          depth: 25.0043 mm
          axis: (0.00, -1.00, 0.00)
    Pocket(s): 4
        1 Pocket(s) with
          length: 61.7043 mm
          width: 49.2432 mm
          depth: 20.132 mm
          axis: (0.00, 1.00, 0.00)
        1 Pocket(s) with
          length: 100 mm
          width: 65.3716 mm
          depth: 21.2428 mm
          axis: (0.00, 1.00, 0.00)
        1 Pocket(s) with
          length: 133.792 mm
          width: 106.223 mm
          depth: 25.7205 mm
          axis: (0.00, 1.00, 0.00)
        1 Pocket(s) with
          length: 145.925 mm
          width: 98.3509 mm
          depth: 10.5556 mm
          axis: (0.00, 1.00, 0.00)

    Total features: 51

Another example below is an output for model from ./examples/models/senthi.step and operation set to Lathe+Milling.

The model Example output
Model: senthi.step

Part #0 ["drawing no 1"] - solid #0 has:
    Bore Face(s): 2
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 62.5 mm
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 65 mm
    Turn Diameter Face(s): 7
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 50 mm
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 75 mm
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 80 mm
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 86 mm
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 90 mm
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 96.4288 mm
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 155 mm
    Turn Face Face(s): 7
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 62.5 mm
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 70 mm
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 80 mm
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 82 mm
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 90 mm
        2 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 155 mm
    Turn Form Face(s): 3
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 55.3169 mm
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 72.5 mm
        1 Turning Face(s) with
          radius: 82.5 mm

    Total features: 19
