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cadex::Geom Namespace Reference

Defines classes, types, enums, and functions related to geometric entities. More...


class  Axis1d
 Defines an axis as a combination of point and direction. More...
class  Axis2d
 Defines a right-hand or left-hand axis in 2D. More...
class  Axis3d
 Defines a right-handed or left-handed axis in 3D. More...
class  BezierCurve
 Defines 3D Bezier curve. More...
class  BezierCurve2d
 Defines 2D Bezier curve. More...
class  BezierSurface
 Defines a Bezier surface. More...
class  BSplineCurve
 Defines 3D B-Spline curve. More...
class  BSplineCurve2d
 Defines 2D B-Spline curve. More...
class  BSplineSurface
 Defines a B-Spline surface. More...
class  Circle
 Defines 3D circle. More...
class  Circle2d
 Defines 2D circle. More...
class  Conic
 Base class for 3D conic curves. More...
class  Conic2d
 Base class for 2D conic curves. More...
class  ConicalSurface
 Defines a conical surface. More...
class  Curve
 Base class for 3D curves. More...
class  Curve2d
 Base class for 2D curves. More...
class  CylindricalSurface
 Defines a cylindrical surface. More...
class  Direction
 Defines a 3D Direction. More...
class  Direction2d
 Defines a 2D Direction. More...
class  ElementarySurface
 Base class for elementary surfaces. More...
class  Ellipse
 Defines 3D ellipse. More...
class  Ellipse2d
 Defines 2D ellipse. More...
class  Geometry
 Base class for geometry elements. More...
class  Hyperbola
 Defines 3D hyperbola. More...
class  Hyperbola2d
 Defines 2D hyperbola. More...
class  Line
 Defines 3D line. More...
class  Line2d
 Defines 2D line. More...
class  Matrix2d
 Defines a square matrix of size two. More...
class  Matrix3d
 Defines a square matrix of size three. More...
class  OffsetCurve
 Defines 3D offset curve. More...
class  OffsetCurve2d
 Defines 2D offset curve. More...
class  OffsetSurface
 Defines an offset surface. More...
class  Parabola
 Defines 3D parabola. More...
class  Parabola2d
 Defines 2D parabola. More...
class  Plane
 Defines a plane. More...
class  Point
 Defines a 3D point. More...
class  Point2d
 Defines a 3D point. More...
class  Polyline
 Defines a connected sequence of line segments created as a single object. More...
class  Polyline2d
 Defines a connected sequence of line segments created as a single object. More...
class  SphericalSurface
 Defines a spherical surface. More...
class  Surface
 Base class for geometrical surfaces. More...
class  SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion
 Defines a surface of linear extrusion. More...
class  SurfaceOfRevolution
 Defines a surface of revolution. More...
class  SweptSurface
 Defines a base class for swept surfaces - surface of linear extrusion and of revolution. More...
class  ToroidalSurface
 Defines a toroidal surface. More...
class  Transformation
 Defines a transformation matrix. More...
class  Transformation2d
 Defines a 2D transformation matrix. More...
class  Vector
 Defines a 3D vector. More...
class  Vector2d
 Defines a 2D vector. More...


enum class  Continuity { C0 , C1 , C2 , CN }
enum class  CurveType {
  Line , Circle , Ellipse , Hyperbola ,
  Parabola , Bezier , BSpline , Offset ,
  Undefined = 100 , UserDefined
 Defines curve type.
enum class  SurfaceType {
  Plane , Cylinder , Cone , Sphere ,
  Torus , LinearExtrusion , Revolution , Bezier ,
  BSpline , Offset , Undefined = 100 , UserDefined
 Defines surface type.


bool operator== (const Direction &theLeft, const Direction &theRight)
bool operator!= (const Direction &theLeft, const Direction &theRight)
Direction operator+ (const Direction &theLeft, const Direction &theRight)
Direction operator- (const Direction &theLeft, const Direction &theRight)
Direction operator^ (const Direction &theLeft, const Direction &theRight)
double operator* (const Direction &theLeft, const Direction &theRight)
Direction operator- (const Direction &theDir)
bool operator== (const Direction2d &theLeft, const Direction2d &theRight)
bool operator!= (const Direction2d &theLeft, const Direction2d &theRight)
Direction2d operator+ (const Direction2d &theLeft, const Direction2d &theRight)
Direction2d operator- (const Direction2d &theLeft, const Direction2d &theRight)
double operator^ (const Direction2d &theLeft, const Direction2d &theRight)
double operator* (const Direction2d &theLeft, const Direction2d &theRight)
Direction2d operator- (const Direction2d &theDir)
Matrix2d operator* (const Matrix2d &theMatrix, const Matrix2d &theOther)
Matrix3d operator* (const Matrix3d &theMatrix, const Matrix3d &theOther)
bool operator== (const Point &theLeft, const Point &theRight)
bool operator!= (const Point &theLeft, const Point &theRight)
Point operator+ (const Point &theLeft, const Vector &theRight)
Point operator+ (const Point &theLeft, const Point &theRight)
Point operator- (const Point &theLeft, const Vector &theRight)
Vector operator- (const Point &theLeft, const Point &theRight)
Point operator* (const Point &thePoint, const double theScalar)
Point operator* (const double theScalar, const Point &thePoint)
Point operator/ (const Point &thePoint, const double theScalar)
bool operator== (const Point2d &theLeft, const Point2d &theRight)
bool operator!= (const Point2d &theLeft, const Point2d &theRight)
Point2d operator+ (const Point2d &theLeft, const Vector2d &theRight)
Point2d operator+ (const Point2d &theLeft, const Point2d &theRight)
Point2d operator- (const Point2d &theLeft, const Vector2d &theRight)
Vector2d operator- (const Point2d &theLeft, const Point2d &theRight)
Point2d operator* (const Point2d &thePoint, const double theScalar)
Point2d operator* (const double theScalar, const Point2d &thePoint)
Point2d operator/ (const Point2d &thePoint, const double theScalar)
bool operator== (const Surface &theSurface1, const Surface &theSurface2)
 Equality operator for Surface.
bool operator!= (const Surface &theSurface1, const Surface &theSurface2)
 Non-equality operator for Surface.
Transformation operator* (const Transformation &theLeft, const Transformation &theRight)
 Multiplies this matrix with another one.
bool operator== (const Transformation &theLeft, const Transformation &theRight)
bool operator!= (const Transformation &theLeft, const Transformation &theRight)
Transformation2d operator* (const Transformation2d &theTrsf, const Transformation2d &theOther)
bool operator== (const Transformation2d &theLeft, const Transformation2d &theRight)
bool operator!= (const Transformation2d &theLeft, const Transformation2d &theRight)
bool operator== (const Vector &theLeft, const Vector &theRight)
bool operator!= (const Vector &theLeft, const Vector &theRight)
Vector operator+ (const Vector &theLeft, const Vector &theRight)
Vector operator- (const Vector &theLeft, const Vector &theRight)
Vector operator* (const Vector &theLeft, const double theScalar)
Vector operator* (const double theScalar, const Vector &theVector)
Vector operator/ (const Vector &theVector, const double theScalar)
Vector operator^ (const Vector &theLeft, const Vector &theRight)
double operator* (const Vector &theLeft, const Vector &theRight)
Vector operator- (const Vector &theVector)
bool operator== (const Vector2d &theLeft, const Vector2d &theRight)
bool operator!= (const Vector2d &theLeft, const Vector2d &theRight)
Vector2d operator+ (const Vector2d &theLeft, const Vector2d &theRight)
Vector2d operator- (const Vector2d &theLeft, const Vector2d &theRight)
Vector2d operator* (const double theScalar, const Vector2d &theVector)
Vector2d operator* (const Vector2d &theVector, const double theScalar)
Vector2d operator/ (const Vector2d &theVector, const double theScalar)
double operator* (const Vector2d &theLeft, const Vector2d &theRight)
Vector2d operator- (const Vector2d &theVector)
bool operator== (const XY &theLeft, const XY &theRight)
XY operator+ (const XY &theLeft, const XY &theRight)
XY operator- (const XY &theLeft, const XY &theRight)
XY operator* (const XY &theLeft, const double theScalar)
XY operator/ (const XY &theLeft, const double theScalar)
double operator* (const XY &theLeft, const XY &theRight)
bool operator== (const XYZ &theLeft, const XYZ &theRight)
XYZ operator+ (const XYZ &theLeft, const XYZ &theRight)
XYZ operator- (const XYZ &theLeft, const XYZ &theRight)
XYZ operator* (const XYZ &theLeft, const double theScalar)
XYZ operator/ (const XYZ &theLeft, const double theScalar)
XYZ operator^ (const XYZ &theLeft, const XYZ &theRight)
double operator* (const XYZ &theLeft, const XYZ &theRight)
XYZ operator- (const XYZ &theXYZ)
Matrix3d operator* (const Matrix3d &theMatrix, double theScalar)
Matrix3d operator* (double theScalar, const Matrix3d &theMatrix)
Matrix3d operator- (const Matrix3d &theMatrix, const Matrix3d &theOther)

Detailed Description

Defines classes, types, enums, and functions related to geometric entities.

Function Documentation

◆ operator!=()

bool cadex::Geom::operator!= ( const Surface & theSurface1,
const Surface & theSurface2 )

Non-equality operator for Surface.

Returns true if two objects refer to different implementation objects (Handle(Geom_Surface)).

◆ operator==()

bool cadex::Geom::operator== ( const Surface & theSurface1,
const Surface & theSurface2 )

Equality operator for Surface.

Returns true if two objects wrap the same implementation object (Handle(Geom_Surface)).