►Ncadex | Defines classes, namespaces, enums, types, and global functions related to Manufacturing Toolkit |
►NDrawing | Defines classes, and functions related to drawings |
CAngularDimension | Describes the angular dimension measures of for an angle given by three points |
CCombinedElementVisitor | Provides combined method operator() to visit all elements |
CCurveSet | Describes drawing elements composed of 2D curves |
CDiametricDimension | Describes a diametric dimension measures of circles |
CDimension | Base class for various dimension types |
►CDrawing | Represents a single 2D drawing of a model |
CLayerIterator | Iterator over layers of a drawing |
CSheetIterator | Iterator over sheets of a drawing |
CElement | Base class for drawing elements |
CElementVisitor | Defines a visitor of drawing elements |
CElementVoidVisitor | Defines a visitor of drawing elements with empty implementation |
CGeometry | |
CHatch | Represents an area filled with a pattern |
CHatchDefinitionLine | Represents a line definition used in creating a hatch pattern |
CLayer | Provides logical grouping of Element objects |
CLinearDimension | Linear dimensions with horizontal, vertical, and aligned dimension lines |
CPiecewiseContour | Describes drawing elements composed connected 2D curves |
CPointSet | Describes drawing elements composed of 2D points |
CRadialDimension | Describes a radial dimension measures of arcs and circles |
CRatio | Holds the ratio of 2 positive integers in the form of \((n:m)\) |
►CSheet | Represents a single sheet of a model drawing |
CViewIterator | Iterates over views of a drawing sheet |
CText | Defines a text for drawing |
CView | Represents a view on a drawing sheet |
►NGeom | Defines classes, types, enums, and functions related to geometric entities |
CAxis1d | Defines an axis as a combination of point and direction |
CAxis2d | Defines a right-hand or left-hand axis in 2D |
CAxis3d | Defines a right-handed or left-handed axis in 3D |
CBezierCurve | Defines 3D Bezier curve |
CBezierCurve2d | Defines 2D Bezier curve |
CBezierSurface | Defines a Bezier surface |
CBSplineCurve | Defines 3D B-Spline curve |
CBSplineCurve2d | Defines 2D B-Spline curve |
CBSplineSurface | Defines a B-Spline surface |
CCircle | Defines 3D circle |
CCircle2d | Defines 2D circle |
CConic | Base class for 3D conic curves |
CConic2d | Base class for 2D conic curves |
CConicalSurface | Defines a conical surface |
CCurve | Base class for 3D curves |
CCurve2d | Base class for 2D curves |
CCylindricalSurface | Defines a cylindrical surface |
CDirection | Defines a 3D Direction |
CDirection2d | Defines a 2D Direction |
CElementarySurface | Base class for elementary surfaces |
CEllipse | Defines 3D ellipse |
CEllipse2d | Defines 2D ellipse |
CGeometry | Base class for geometry elements |
CHyperbola | Defines 3D hyperbola |
CHyperbola2d | Defines 2D hyperbola |
CLine | Defines 3D line |
CLine2d | Defines 2D line |
CMatrix2d | Defines a square matrix of size two |
CMatrix3d | Defines a square matrix of size three |
COffsetCurve | Defines 3D offset curve |
COffsetCurve2d | Defines 2D offset curve |
COffsetSurface | Defines an offset surface |
CParabola | Defines 3D parabola |
CParabola2d | Defines 2D parabola |
CPlane | Defines a plane |
CPoint | Defines a 3D point |
CPoint2d | Defines a 3D point |
CPolyline | Defines a connected sequence of line segments created as a single object |
CPolyline2d | Defines a connected sequence of line segments created as a single object |
CSphericalSurface | Defines a spherical surface |
CSurface | Base class for geometrical surfaces |
CSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion | Defines a surface of linear extrusion |
CSurfaceOfRevolution | Defines a surface of revolution |
CSweptSurface | Defines a base class for swept surfaces - surface of linear extrusion and of revolution |
CToroidalSurface | Defines a toroidal surface |
CTransformation | Defines a transformation matrix |
CTransformation2d | Defines a 2D transformation matrix |
CVector | Defines a 3D vector |
CVector2d | Defines a 2D vector |
►NMeasurements | Defines classes, and functions related to methods for obtaining various properties of a model |
CBoundingBox | Computes bounding boxes of objects |
CDistance | Computes a distance between two shapes |
CLength | Computes lengths of curves |
CSurfaceArea | Computes surface area of the objects |
CValidationProperties | Computes validation properties of the objects |
CValidationPropertyData | Aggregation of all validation properties that could be computed |
CVolume | Computes volume of the objects |
►NModelData | Defines classes, types, enums, and functions related to topological entities and scene graph elements |
CAssembly | Defines a group of model element |
CBox | Defines a 3D axis-aligned bounding box |
CCombinedElementVisitor | Provides combined methods VisitEnter() and VisitLeave() to visit all elements |
CEdge | Defines an edge |
CFace | Defines a topological face |
CIndexedTriangleSet | Defines a polygonal shape consisting of triangles |
CInstance | Defines an occurrence of assembly or part in a scene graph |
CModel | Provides MTK data model |
CModelElement | Base class for part, instance and assembly |
CModelElementIterator | Iterator over scene graph elements |
CModelElementUniqueVisitor | Defines a visitor that visits each unique element only once |
CModelElementVisitor | Defines a visitor of the scene graph elements |
CModelElementVoidVisitor | Element visitor with empty implementation |
CModelReader | Reads STEP and native format |
COrientedShapeEqual | Compares shapes using 'IsEqual' relationship |
COrientedShapeHash | Hasher for Shape using 'IsEqual' relationship |
CPart | Defines a leaf node in the scene graph hiearchy |
CPointSet | Defines a polygonal shape consisting of individual points |
CPolyline2dSet | Defines a polygonal shape consisting of polylines |
CPolylineSet | Defines a polygonal shape consisting of polylines |
CShape | Base class of topological shapes |
CShapeIterator | Iterates over subshapes in a shape |
CSheetBody | Provides a sheet body composed of faces and shells |
CShell | Defines a connected set of faces |
CSolid | Defines a topological solid |
CSolidBody | Provides a solid body composed of solids |
CUnorientedShapeEqual | Compares shapes using 'IsSame' relationship |
CUnorientedShapeHash | Hasher for Shape using 'IsSame' relationship |
CVertex | Defines topological vertex |
CWire | Defines a connected set of edges |
CWireframeBody | Provides a wireframe body composed of edges and wires |
CBaseObject | Base class for all public classes |
CDFMBase_HoleIssue | Describes a base class for hole issues found during DFM analysis |
CDFMBase_Issue | Describes a base class for issues found during design for manufacturing (DFM) analysis |
CDFMBase_StandardSizeParameters | Defines parameters used by DFM analyzers |
CDFMMachining_Analyzer | Provides an interface to run DFM Machining analysis |
CDFMMachining_BaseAnalyzerParameters | Describes a base class of parameters for defferent types of machining design analysis |
CDFMMachining_DeepBoredHoleIssue | Describes deep bored hole issue found during cnc machining turning design analysis |
CDFMMachining_DeepHoleIssue | Describes deep hole issues found during cnc machining drilling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_DeepPocketIssue | Describes deep pocket issue found during cnc machining milling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_DrillingAnalyzerParameters | Defines parameters used in cnc machining drilling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_DrillingIssue | Describes a base class for drilling issues found during cnc machining drilling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_FlatBottomHoleIssue | Describes flat bottom hole issues found during cnc machining drilling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_HighBossIssue | Describes high boss issues found during cnc machining milling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_InconsistentRadiusMilledPartFloorFilletIssue | Describes inconsistent radius milled part floor fillet issue found during cnc machining milling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_IntersectingCavityHoleIssue | Describes intersecting cavity hole issues found during cnc machining drilling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_IrregularTurnedPartOuterDiameterProfileReliefIssue | Describes irregular outer diameter profile relief found during cnc machining turning design analysis |
CDFMMachining_LargeDifferenceRegionsSizeInPocketIssue | Described the Narrow Pocket maximum to minimum sizes ratio issue found during cnc machining milling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_LargeMilledPartIssue | Describes large milled part issue found during cnc machining milling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_LargeTurnedPartIssue | Describes large turned part issue found during cnc machining turning design analysis |
CDFMMachining_LongSlenderTurnedPartIssue | Describes long-slender turned part issue found during cnc machining turning design analysis |
CDFMMachining_MilledPartExternalEdgeFilletIssue | Describes external edge fillet issue found during cnc machining milling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_MilledPartSize | Describes milled part size used in cnc machining milling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_MillingAnalyzerParameters | Defines parameters used in cnc machining milling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_MillingIssue | Describes a base class for milling issues found during cnc machining milling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_NarrowRegionInPocketIssue | Described the Narrow Pocket minimum size issue found during DFM analysis for Machining Milling operations |
CDFMMachining_NonPerpendicularHoleIssue | Describes non perpendicular hole issues found during cnc machining drilling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_NonPerpendicularMilledPartShapeIssue | Describes non perpendicular milled part shape issue found during cnc machining milling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_NonStandardDiameterHoleIssue | Describes non standard diameter hole issues found during cnc machining drilling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_NonStandardDrillPointAngleBlindHoleIssue | Describes non standard drill point angle blind hole issues found during cnc machining drilling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_NonStandardRadiusMilledPartFloorFilletIssue | Describes non standard radius milled part floor fillet issue found during cnc machining milling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_NonSymmetricalAxialSlotIssue | Describes asymmetric axial slot issue found during cnc machining turning design analysis |
CDFMMachining_PartialHoleIssue | Describes partial hole issues found during cnc machining drilling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_SmallDepthBlindBoredHoleReliefIssue | Describes small depth blind bored hole relief found during cnc machining turning design analysis |
CDFMMachining_SmallDiameterHoleIssue | Describes small diameter hole issues found during cnc machining drilling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_SmallRadiusMilledPartInternalCornerIssue | Describes internal corner radius issues found during cnc machining milling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_SmallRadiusTurnedPartInternalCornerIssue | Describes internal corner radius issues found during cnc machining turning design analysis |
CDFMMachining_SmallWallThicknessIssue | Describes wall with small thickness issues found during cnc machining milling design analysis |
CDFMMachining_SquareEndKeywayIssue | Describes square form keyway issue found during cnc machining turning design analysis |
CDFMMachining_TurnedPartSize | Describes turned part size used in cnc machining turning design analysis |
CDFMMachining_TurningAnalyzerParameters | Defines parameters used in cnc machining turning design analysis |
CDFMMolding_Analyzer | Provides an interface to run DFM Molding analysis |
CDFMMolding_AnalyzerParameters | Defines parameters used in injection molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_HighRibIssue | Describes large height rib issues found during injection molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_HighScrewBossIssue | Describes high screw boss issues found during injection molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_IrregularCoreDepthScrewBossIssue | Describes irregular core depth screw boss issues found during injection molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_IrregularCoreDiameterScrewBossIssue | Describes irregular screw boss core diameter issues found during injection molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_IrregularThicknessRibIssue | Describes irregular thickness rib issues found during injection molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_IrregularWallThicknessIssue | Describes wall with irregular thickness issues found during molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_IrregularWallThicknessScrewBossIssue | Describes irregular wall thickness screw boss issues found during injection molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_LargeWallThicknessIssue | Describes wall with large thickness issues found during molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_NonChamferedScrewBossIssue | Describes screw boss without top chamfer issues found during injection molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_RibIssue | Describes a base class for rib issues found during injection molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_ScrewBossIssue | Describes a base class for ScrewBoss issues found during injection molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_SmallBaseRadiusRibIssue | Describes small rib base radius issues found during injection molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_SmallBaseRadiusScrewBossIssue | Describes small screw boss base radius issues found during injection molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_SmallDistanceBetweenBossesIssue | Describes a base class for small distance between bosses issues found during molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_SmallDistanceBetweenRibsIssue | Describes a class for small distance between ribs issues found during molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_SmallDraftAngleRibIssue | Describes small draft angle rib issues found during injection molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_SmallDraftAngleScrewBossIssue | Describes small screw boss draft angle issues found during injection molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_SmallDraftAngleWallIssue | Describes small wall draft angle issues found during injection molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_SmallHoleBaseRadiusScrewBossIssue | Describes small screw boss hole base radius issues found during injection molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_SmallWallThicknessIssue | Describes wall with small thickness issues found during molding design analysis |
CDFMMolding_WallThicknessIssue | Describes a base class for wall thickness issues found during injection molding design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_Analyzer | Provides an interface to run DFM Sheet Metal analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_AnalyzerParameters | Defines parameters used in sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_BendIssue | Describes a base class for bend issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_BendReliefParameters | Defines parameters used in sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_FlatPatternInterferenceIssue | Describes interference issue for flat pattern found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_HoleIssue | Describes a base class for hole issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_InconsistentRadiusBendIssue | Describes inconsistent radius bend issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_IrregularCornerFilletRadiusNotchIssue | Describes irregular notch corner fillet radius issue found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_IrregularDepthExtrudedHoleIssue | Describes irregular depth extruded hole issue found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_IrregularRadiusOpenHemBendIssue | Describes irregular open hem bend radius issue found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_IrregularSizeBendReliefIssue | Describes irregular size bend relief issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_IrregularSizeNotchIssue | Describes irregular size notch issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_IrregularSizeTabIssue | Describes irregular size tab issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_LargeDepthBeadIssue | Describes large depth bead issue found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_NonStandardSheetSizeIssue | Describes non standard sheet size issue found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_NonStandardSheetThicknessIssue | Describes non standard sheet thickness issue found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_NotchParameters | Defines parameters used in sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SheetSize | Describes sheet size of flat pattern used in DFM analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SheetSizeStandardSizeList | Defines a list of sheet sizes |
CDFMSheetMetal_SheetSizeStandardSizeParameters | Defines parameters used in sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallDepthLouverIssue | Describes small depth louver issue found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallDiameterHoleIssue | Describes small diameter hole issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallDistanceBetweenBendAndLouverIssue | Describes small distance between bend and louver issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallDistanceBetweenExtrudedHoleAndBendIssue | Describes small distance between complex hole and bend issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallDistanceBetweenExtrudedHoleAndEdgeIssue | Describes small distance detween extruded hole and edge issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallDistanceBetweenExtrudedHolesIssue | Describes small distance between extruded holes issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallDistanceBetweenFeaturesIssue | Describes a base class for small distance issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallDistanceBetweenHoleAndBendIssue | Describes small distance between hole and bend issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallDistanceBetweenHoleAndCutoutIssue | Describes small distance between hole and cutout issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallDistanceBetweenHoleAndEdgeIssue | Describes small distance detween hole and edge issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallDistanceBetweenHoleAndLouverIssue | Describes small distance between hole and louver issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallDistanceBetweenHoleAndNotchIssue | Describes small distance detween hole and notch issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallDistanceBetweenHolesIssue | Describes small distance detween holes issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallDistanceBetweenNotchAndBendIssue | Describes small distance detween notch and bend issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallDistanceBetweenNotchesIssue | Describes small distance between notches issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallDistanceBetweenTabsIssue | Describes small distance between tabs issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallLengthFlangeIssue | Describes small length flange issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallLengthHemBendFlangeIssue | Describes small length hem bend flange issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_SmallRadiusBendIssue | Describes small radius bend issues found during sheet metal design analysis |
CDFMSheetMetal_TabParameters | Defines parameters used in sheet metal design analysis |
CLicenseManager_LicenseError | Defines an exception thrown by a license manager when a valid license could not be acquired |
CMachining_Analyzer | Provides an interface to run several analyzer tools for different types of machining processing |
CMachining_AnalyzerTool | Provides an interface to all tools that can be used with Machining_Analyzer |
CMachining_Countersink | Describes a machining countersink |
CMachining_Data | Defines data used in Machining analysis |
CMachining_Face | Describes a face produced by a specified machining operation |
CMachining_FeatureRecognizer | Provides an interface to recognizing machining features tool |
CMachining_FeatureRecognizerParameters | Defines parameters used by Machining_FeatureRecognizer |
CMachining_Hole | Describes a machining hole of a specified type. Hole is a cylindrical feature that can be made by cutting from the workpiece by a rotating cutting tool |
CMachining_Pocket | Describes a machining pocket. A pocket is a feature obtained by milling the material inside an arbitrarily closed boundary on a flat surface of a workpiece removed to a fixed depth |
CMachining_SteppedHole | Describes a stepped hole feature |
CMachining_TurningFace | Describes a face with radius produced by a specified machining operation. Cutting material from workpiece by turning |
CMolding_Analyzer | Provides an interface to run several analyzer tools for different types of Molding processing |
CMolding_AnalyzerTool | Provides an interface to all tools that can be used with Molding_Analyzer |
CMolding_Data | Defines data used in Molding analysis |
CMolding_FeatureRecognizer | Provides an interface to recognizing molding features |
CMolding_Rib | Describes a rib |
CMolding_ScrewBoss | Describes a screw boss. In injection molding, the Screw Boss is essentially a cylindrical protrusion with a threaded hole that is designed to receive a screw or threaded fastener. This feature serves as a reliable point of attachment for assembling various parts together, such as attaching the plastic part to another component or securing multiple plastic parts together. The main purpose of the Screw Boss is to provide a durable and convenient method for fastening parts, eliminating the need for additional hardware like nuts or inserts. By integrating the Screw Boss directly into the mold design, it becomes a permanent part of the plastic component, enhancing the overall strength and integrity of the assembly |
CMTKBase_Boss | Describes a boss. In CNC Machining a boss is a protrusion or raised area on a workpiece that is created by removing material around it using a milling cutter. The boss feature can be used for various purposes such as providing a location for fasteners, creating a bearing surface, or serving as a mounting point for other components |
CMTKBase_CompositeFeature | Describeas a base class for composite features |
CMTKBase_DoubleList | Defines a list of double values |
CMTKBase_Feature | Describes a base class of MTK based features |
CMTKBase_FeatureComparator | Provides possibility to compare MTK based features depending on their type and parameters |
CMTKBase_FeatureList | Defines a list of features |
CMTKBase_Hole | Describes a base class for hole features in concrete processes |
CMTKBase_ShapeFeature | Describes a feature with assigned shape |
CNesting_Computer | The nesting analyzing tool |
CNesting_ComputerParameters | Defines parameters used in nesting process |
CNesting_Data | Contains information about nesting sheets |
CNesting_Sheet | Contains information about nesting sheet |
CProgressScope | Represents a node in a hierarchy of progress scopes |
►CProgressStatus | Provides progress status and notification mechanism |
CCancellationChecker | Base abstract class for cancelation checker registered in ProgressStatus |
CObserver | Base abstract class for observers registered in ProgressStatus |
CProjector_PolyData | Contains information about projection of the model |
CProjector_PolyProjector | The poly projection tool |
CSheetMetal_Analyzer | Provides an interface to run several analyzer tools |
CSheetMetal_AnalyzerTool | Provides an interface to all tools that can be used with SheetMetal_Analyzer |
CSheetMetal_Bead | Describes a sheet metal bead |
CSheetMetal_Bend | Describes a bend in sheet metal |
CSheetMetal_BendRelief | Describes a sheet metal bend relief |
CSheetMetal_Bridge | Describes a sheet metal bridge feature |
CSheetMetal_ComplexHole | Describes a sheet metal complex hole feature |
CSheetMetal_CompoundBend | Describes a sheet metal compound bend feature |
CSheetMetal_CurvedBend | Describes a sheet metal curved bend feature |
CSheetMetal_Cutout | Describes a cutout in sheet metal |
CSheetMetal_Data | Contains specific information for sheet metal tools |
CSheetMetal_FeatureRecognizer | Provides an interface to recognizing sheet metal features tool. Is used for recognition of features such as bends, cutouts, holes, etc |
CSheetMetal_FeatureRecognizerParameters | Defines parameters of the SheetMetal_FeatureRecognizer |
►CSheetMetal_FlatPattern | Describes a flat pattern for sheet metal models |
CDrawingParameters | Defines parameters used to generate a drawing |
CSheetMetal_HemBend | Describes a sheet metal Hem bend feature |
CSheetMetal_Hole | Describes a circle hole drilled or punched in sheet metal |
CSheetMetal_Louver | Describes a sheet metal louver feature |
CSheetMetal_Notch | Describes a sheet metal notch |
CSheetMetal_StraightNotch | Describes a sheet metal straight notch |
CSheetMetal_Tab | Describes a sheet metal tab |
CSheetMetal_Unfolder | Is used to unfold sheet metal models |
CSheetMetal_VNotch | Describes a sheet metal V-notch |
CUTF16String | Defines a Unicode (UTF-16) string wrapping a standard string |
CUuid | Defines a Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID), also known as GUIDs (Globally Unique IDentifier). A UUID is a 16-byte (128-bit) number, that is unique in the computer system (guaranteed by generated algorithm ) |
CWallThickness_Analyzer | The wall thickness analyzing tool |
CWallThickness_Data | Contains information about minimum and maximum wall thicknesses |